The Library of Lives - Z.D.Finn
Design & layout for digital and printed series of books. Cover image montage & illustration, chapter separator mandalas. Author identity, website and advertising material.

The Way of Life
A extensive series of books - featuring Joseph of Arimathea. These books discuss the nature of God, the origin of soul, the sphere of light and life after death, parallel worlds, reincarnation and the purpose of life itself.

BIRD - the ultimate illustrated guide
250 Birds of UK and Europe. Fully functional stand-alone application for Mac & PC on CDROM designed and created in FileMaker Pro. Downloadable to iPod classic as a Notes file with linked birsdsongs and illustrations.
for Mitchell Beazley (Octopus books)

AMPATICO - mediation training course
The complete introduction to Mediation in the Workplace.
200 pages of carefully designed materials, complete with Personal Plan, Glossary, Continuous assessment and example materials.
Produced for Applied Mediation as a self-taught course for professional Workplace Mediation training.

Sinews of Heaven - novel by Zanne Findlay
Storybook illustration and electronic publishing