Certified Claris FileMaker Pro App Developer
I have been an associate of Claris since 1991 as part of the original FileMaker Solutions and Business Alliances.
As an independent developer I was always keen to help clients achieve the most with their systems. Integration with other software and file formats was historically quite a challenge. Using FileMaker Pro I developed a project management system for a sign company capable of taking text from the project management file, and producing print-ready artwork, saved to PDF files for direct output to an imagesetter, producing films for screen printing the finished signs.
Other developments of interest have included travel bookings, events management, school timetabling & class attendance, and a Bird identification guide. This last one was supplied as a stand-alone app that could be downloaded to the original Apple iPods, complete with bird illustrations and songs (see here); various integrations pulling and pushing data to industrial sign printers & vinyl cutters and JavaScript/HTML 5 image scripted drawing in webviewers to facilitate dynamic maps and diagrams using merged FileMaker and Online data.

I am Claris certified in:
AI App Developer Associate
FileMaker Pro Expert
FileMaker Pro Specialist
FileMaker Server Associate
FileMaker Pro Associate
Finalist in the FileMaker Cube Awards 2007 - education category finalist for BIRD reference guide.